Grande Luxury Giant Fresh Rose Bouquet

Tags: Fresh Bouquet Mother's Day Proposal Valentine's Day


Make a BIG statement with our GIANT bouquets! These stunning arrangements are an upgraded size from our regular selection, making them a showstopper in any room. Express your love and affection to that special someone in your life with a classic symbol of love - a bouquet of red roses. At our store, we take pride in offering only the freshest and most beautiful long-stemmed red roses. Our roses are hand-picked by our expert florists, expertly arranged, and wrapped in our signature style. With their impressive size and breathtaking beauty, our giant bouquets are sure to turn heads and leave a lasting impression. 


Please note that your bouquet may vary slightly from the photo, as we use the freshest and most beautiful in-season blooms. Photos provided are meant to be a style reference and may not match the specific number of flowers exactly as the selection of flowers, greenery, and foliage may vary. Instead, we design our bouquets within the chosen price range. The wrapping and tone of the bouquet will match the photos shown, while any accessories pictured are sold separately.

*The size in the photo is a 33 roses bouquet.