Romantic 3 Fresh Rose Bouquet

Tags: Fresh Bouquet Fresh Flowers Valentine's Day


Say "I love you" in a timeless and elegant way with our Fresh 3 Rose Bouquet. A bouquet of three fresh roses is the perfect gift for those who want to express their feelings in a simple yet meaningful way. Three roses symbolize the past, present, and future of a relationship, representing love that is built to last. Our roses are hand-picked and specially chosen for their vibrant colors, and carefully arranged to create a beautiful, long-lasting bouquet that will bring joy to any space.


Please note that your bouquet may vary slightly from the photo, as we use the freshest and most beautiful in-season blooms. Photos provided are meant to be a style reference and may not match the specific number of flowers exactly as the selection of flowers, greenery, and foliage may vary. Instead, we design our bouquets within the chosen price range. The wrapping and tone of the bouquet will match the photos shown, while any accessories pictured are sold separately.

**One size.

* Size information (sizes may differ between 3-5cm)

28cm * 35cm